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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dog Racing Pictures

Dogs Racing
Dogs Racing

Dogs Racing
Dogs Racing

Dogs Racing
Dogs Racing

Dogs Racing
Dogs Racing

Dogs Racing
Is Funny Dogs Racing?

Every year, tens of thousands of American dachshund owners enter their dogs in various competitions. Extremely popular, dachshund races routinely bring horse and dog tracks a week's worth of attendance on a single night (in Buda, Texas, almost 20,000 hit the annual races). There's even a national wiener dog racing championships - the Wiener Nationals, that features racing weenie dogs from across the country.

A more high profile type of Dachshund competition is the world of show doxies, where thousands of miles in travel and hundreds of thousands of dollars are required to compete for the spot of "top dog".

In the fall of 2004 documentary filmmaker Shane MacDougall decided to chronicle the surprisingly cut throat world of competitive dachshunds for two years.

Bombay cat wallpapers

The Bombay is a muscular yet agile cat with a black coat. The heads of British Bombay cats are rounded and wide with a medium short, blunt tapered muzzle. The eyes, which are usually gold in colour , should be shaped like a burmese cat (not round) and set wide, and their ears are broad, slightly rounded and medium sized and, like the eyes, set wide. The Bombay has a coat that is short, satiny and tight to the body. Bombay cats require little grooming. [wikipedia]

Bombay cat wallpaperBombay cat wallpaper

Bombay cat pictureBombay cat picture

Bombay cat photoBombay cat photo

Burmese cat pictures

The Burmese is a breed of domesticated cats split into two subgroups: the American Burmese and the British Burmese. Most cat registries do not recognise a split between the two groups, but those that do formally refer to the type developed by British cat breeders as the European Burmese. [wikipedia]

Burmese cat pictureBurmese cat picture

Burmese cat photoBurmese cat photo

Burmese cat wallpaperBurmese cat wallpaper

Abyssinian Cats

The Abyssinian is a breed of domesticated cat believed to originate from one Egyptian female kitten called Zula that was taken from a port in Alexandria, Egypt, by a British soldier and brought to England. The Abyssinian's body is of medium length with well-developed muscles. The legs are slender in proportion to the body, with a fine bone structure. The paws are small and oval. The Abyssinian has a fairly long tail, broad at the base and tapering to a point. [wikipedia]

Abyssinian cat wallpaperAbyssinian cat wallpaper

Abyssinian cat pictureAbyssinian cat picture

Abyssinian cat photoAbyssinian cat photo

Sunday, August 22, 2010

cat and dog wrestling

cat and dog wrestlingThis funny picture is a cat and dog wrestling, or maybe it is peek a boo!

Burmilla cat

The Burmilla is a breed of domestic cat which originated in the United Kingdom in 1981. It is a cross between the Chinchilla Persian and Burmese breeds. Burmillas are medium-sized with muscular bodies, round faces, short muzzles and tend to weigh between 8-10 lb. The eye colour should be green, although some cat societies accept blue (and yellow eyes are permitted in kittens). Black cats have eyeliner in black; other colours may have no lining or soft brown. [wikipedia]

Burmilla cat pictureBurmilla cat picture

Burmilla cat photoBurmilla cat photo

Burmilla cat wallpaperBurmilla cat wallpaper

American Shorthair cat pictures

The American Shorthair is the 8th most popular breed of cat in the United States according the Cat Fancier's Association for 2006-2007. The breed is believed to be descended from English cats (the forebears of today's British Shorthairs) brought to North America by early British settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats.
A very athletic cat, the American Shorthair has a larger, leaner, and more powerfully built body than its relation, the British Shorthair. [wikipedia]

American Shorthair cat wallpaperAmerican Shorthair cat wallpaper

American Shorthair cat photoAmerican Shorthair cat photo

Thursday, August 19, 2010

California Spangled Cat

The California Spangled Cat is a breed of cat that were bred to resemble spotted wildcats, like the ocelot and leopard. They were originally bred in the 1980s and were only ever a rare breed, and were usually expensive, priced between $800 to $2,500 [citation needed]. The popularity of two other spotted cats breeds- the Ocicat and the Bengal- overshadowed their development. [wikipedia]

California Spangled CatCalifornia Spangled Cat

California Spangled Cat pictureCalifornia Spangled Cat

California Spangled Cat photoCalifornia Spangled Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a breed of domestic cat native to Northern Europe, and adapted to a very cold climate. In Norway they are known as skogkatter or more properly, the Norsk skogkatt (literally, Norwegian Forest Cat). [wikipedia]

Norwegian Forest Cat pictureNorwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat imageNorwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat wallpaperNorwegian Forest Cat

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Turkish Angora cat photos

Turkish Angora cat

Turkish Angora cat

Turkish Angora cat

Turkish Angora cat

Turkish Angora cat

The Turkish Angora (Turkish: Ankara Kedisi) is a breed of domestic cat. Turkish Angoras are one of the ancient, naturally-occurring cat breeds, having originated in central Turkey, in the Ankara region. [wikipedia]

Turkish Angora cat photo
Turkish Angora cat photo

Physical characteristics

They mostly have a white, silky, medium-long length coat, no undercoat and fine bone structure. There seems to be a connection between Ankara Cats and Persians (see below), and the Turkish Angora is also a distant cousin of the Turkish Van. Although they are known for their shimmery white coat, currently there are more than twenty varieties including black, blue, reddish fur. They come in tabby and tabby and white, along with smoke varieties, and are in every color other than pointed, lavender, and cinnamon (all of which would indicate breeding to an outcross).

Eyes may be blue, green or amber, but it is often a combination of one blue and one amber. The W gene responsible for white coat and blue eye is closely related to the hearing ability, and presence of a blue eye can indicate the cat is deaf to the side the blue eye is located. However, a great many blue and odd-eyed whites have normal hearing, and even deaf cats lead a very normal, if indoor, life.

Ears are pointed and large, and the head is long with a two plane profile. Another characteristic is the tail, which is often kept parallel to the back.

Behavioral Characteristics

Turkish Angora is an intelligent, adorable and very curious breed, very active throughout their life-span. Some Turkish Angoras will bathe with their owners (another link to the cousin Turkish Van cat, which is known as "the swimming cat"). They also tend to bond with their owners and try to be the center of attention, often doing their part in conversations. They usually don't like to be held for long, but like to stay in human presence, happily playing for hours.[1]


Like all domestic cats, Turkish Angoras descended from the African wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica). The mountainous regions of Eastern Anatolia isolated cats brought by traders from Egypt, and through inbreeding and natural selection they developed into longhaired breeds like the Turkish Van and the Turkish Angora.

Longhaired cats were imported to Britain and France from Asia Minor, Persia and Russia as early as the late 1500s, though there are indications that they appeared in Europe as early as 1300s due to the Crusades. The Turkish Angora was used, almost to the point of extinction, to improve the coat on the Persian (cat). The Turkish Angora was recognized as a distinct breed in Europe by the early 1600s.[2]

In 1917, The Government of Turkey in conjunction with the Ankara Zoo began a meticulous breeding program to protect and preserve what they considered a national treasure, pure white Turkish Angoras with blue and amber eyes.[3] The program continues today. The zoo particularly prized odd-eyed Angoras (ie. Turkish Angoras with one blue eye and one amber eye).[4]. The Zoo has its own cat facility which houses the white Turkish Angoras for its breeding program.

Turkish Angora, which was most recently brought to the United States in 1963, was accepted as a championship pedigreed breed in 1973 by the Cat Fanciers' Association[5] [6]. However, until 1978 only white Angoras were recognized. Today, all North American registries accept the Turkish Angora in many colors and patterns. While numbers are still relatively small, the gene pool and base of fanciers are growing.

Health considerations

In the Turkish Angora, an autosomal recessive hereditary ataxia is found[7]. The kittens affected by this ataxia do not learn to move and die young. The genetic cause of this ataxia is not yet known.

Turkish Van Cat Wallpapers

The Turkish Van is a breed of cat native to the rugged mountains of the Lake Van region in Eastern Turkey. Originally called the Turkish Cat, the name was changed in 1979 in the U.S. (1985 in the U.K.) to Turkish Van to better distance the breed from the Turkish Angora cat which had its origins around Ankara, in central Turkey. [wikipedia]

Turkish Van cat wallpaperTurkish Van cat wallpaper

Turkish Van cat photoTurkish Van cat photo

Turkish Van cat pictureTurkish Van cat picture

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

British Longhair cat images

The British Semi-Longhair cat is a semi-longhair version of British Shorthair. Apart from fur, it is identical to the British Shorthair. The British Longhair is also known as the Lowlander in the U.S. and the Britanica in Europe, but is not recognised in the UK as a separate breed. [wikipedia]
British Longhair cat image
British Longhair cat image

British Longhair cat picture
British Longhair cat picture

British Longhair cat wallpaperBritish Longhair cat wallpaper

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Balinese cat pictures

The Balinese is a breed of oriental cat with long hair and Siamese-style markings, or points. They resemble a Siamese with a medium-length silky coat and a plumed tail, but not nearly as fluffy as a Himalayan, and they require much less grooming. Balinese are extremely intelligent cats, although less talkative than their Siamese ancestors. [wikipedia]

Balinese cat picture
Balinese cat picture

Balinese cat wallpaperBalinese cat wallpaper

Balinese cat imageBalinese cat image

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Aegean cat wallpapers

The Aegean cat is a naturally occurring breed of cat originating from the Cycladic Islands of Greece. The coat of an Aegean Cat is semi-longhaired, without down hair, with a moderate ruff and a rich tail. [wikipedia]

Aegean cat wallpaper
Aegean cat wallpaper

Aegean cat pictureAegean cat picture
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