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Friday, July 2, 2010

Top 10 reasons why cats are the best?

I’ll admit to being a little poopie lately (That’s a registered medical disorder, I believe. Medicine, please.). And when I’m poopie, I always remember how much my babies love me no matter what — and quite honestly, wonder why it is so frowned on to spend your life surrounded by cats.

I mean, talk about perfect love — no fights, no complaining, no stupid moves (well, maybe a couple), but in the end cats are all love. They love you no matter what and show you all the time. Give me a cat any day.

That said, here is my Top 10 Reasons Why Cats are the Best:

1. They like to cuddle.

2. They’re always happy to see you.

3. They’re nice and soft and smell good (well, just not that end).

4. They listen, and often even respond.

5. They bring you presents (whether you want said “presents” or not is not the point here).

6. They’re easily amused. Just give them a paper ball or a hair tie and they’re good for hours.

7. They eat anything. Whatever you cook (or slackingly microwave) is delicious and tasty.

8. They know when something’s wrong and pay you extra special attention during those times.

9. They don’t lie.

10. They purr. There is no sweeter, happier sound than a kitty purring…

And that’s it. I’m in a cat mood today (as if this was something new). If all the cats in this world suddenly turned into people, this Earth would be a way better place to live. :)
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