Newborn Kittens
Raising newborn kittens, tiny orphaned kittens, or feral kitten litters can be a challenge at best. If you have the mental and physical stamina to nurse newborns, keep them warm, and handle all their physical needs, these articles and resources can help you handle the role of a surrogate cat mother.
Tracking Kittens Development- Newborns to one week
To most of us, kittens are magical, loveable creatures with the power to entrance that one would not expect from their tiny, helpless forms. How do these utterly dependent little fledglings grow into the regal, svelte, intelligent cats who gaze back at us with love, tolerance, or thinly concealed scorn, depending on their moods?
Tracking Kittens Development- The First Six Weeks
Kittens will probably never grow again at the remarkable rate they accomplish during this period, and seeing the changes in their development from week to week is an incredible experience. We'll start off by recapping the first week, and move on from there.